 (Non)interactive installation
July 2, 2016

What Rube Goldberg’s machines do, is by means of sophisticated, complex and thoroughly rehearsed actions make one simple job in the end. This is exactly what our crastinator doesn’t do. Because it can’t. All its sophisticated, complex, thoroughly rehearsed and improvised actions and interactions distract it from completing any meaningful task, however simple it may be.

In some sense, its procrastination is ideal: the crastinator is too concentrated on its vivid internal processes to start working.

By being present, a visitor can add supplementary motifs to the interaction of the crastinator’s parts, but he or she can not make it do its job. However, if a visitor does the crastinator’s job for it, the chain of interactions caused by procrastination stops.

Installation initiated and supervised by Ildar Yakubov during his Neither Sew Nor Fasten workshop under Touchfest Festival, Moscow.

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